Days of the week:
Monday /mán-dei/ Tuesday /tíus-dei/ Wednesday /wéns-dei/ Thursday /zérs-dei/ Friday /frái-dei/ Saturday /sáter-dei/ Sunday /sán-dei/
(always capitalized, siempre la primera letra en mayúscula, como los meses)
On Monday, on Tuesday...
the Monday, the Tuesday
Last Monday, last Tuesday... / Next Monday, next Tuesday..
the next ... the last ....
The months of the year:
January /jánuari/ February /fébruari/ March /marx/ April /éipril/ May /mei/ June /jun/ July /julai/ August /ógost/ September /septémber/ October /octóuber/ November /novémber/ December /dicémber*/
(always capitalized, siempre la primera letra en mayúscula, como los días de la semana)
IN January, in February, in August...
Last February, last August... / Next September, next October...
the next ... the last ....
*Nota: el mes de diciembre se puede pronunciar de dos maneras:
/dicember/ (American) or: /december/ (British)
Black (negro) White (blanco - /gúait/) Grey (gris - /gréi/)
Red (rojo) Green (verde - /grin/) Yelow (amarillo - /yélou/)
Blue (azul - /blu/) Pink (rosa)
Brown (marrón - /braun/)
Orange (naranja) Violet or Purple (violeta - /váiolet-púrpel/)
Note: Puedes añadir ‘dark’ or ‘light’ (oscuro o claro) para especificar más, por ejemplo: dark blue or light blue (azul oscuro o azul claro).
*Notice: la palabra color tiene dos formas de escribirse
Color (American) Colour (British)
0 Zero 0 (zirou) - 1 One 1 (guan) - 2 Two 2 (tu) - 3 Three 3 (zri) - 4 Four 4 (for) - 5 Five 5 (faɪf) - 6 Six 6 (siks) - 7 Seven 7 (seven) - 8 Eight 8 (eit) - 9 Nine 9 (nein) - 10 Ten // 11 Eleven 11 (ileven) - 12 Twelve 12 (tuelf)
13-20 (13, 14, 15..):
13 Thirteen (13) /zertin/ 14 Fourteen (14) /fortin/ 15 Fifteen (15) /fiftin/ 16 Sixteen (16) /sɪkstin/ 17 Seventeen (17) /sevetin/ 18 Eighteen (18) /eitin/ 19 Nineteen (19) /naintin/ (20 twenty)
20-90 (20, 30, 40..):
20 Twenty (20) /túenti/ 30 Thirty (30) /zérti/ 40 Forty (40) /fórti/ 50 Fifty (50) /fífti/ 60 Sixty (60) /síksti/ 70 Seventy (70) /séventi/ 80 Eighty (80) /éiti/ 90 Ninety (90) /náinti/
Combinations (21, 22, 33..):
Twenty-one (21) - Forty-six (46) - Sixty-eight (68) - Seventy-four (78), etc.
Combinations (101, 102, 205, 630..):
102 a hundred and two - 121 a hundred and twenty-one - 135 a hundred and thirty-five - 258 two hundred and fifty-eight - 472 four hundred and seventy-two
one hundred (100) - two hundred (200) - six hundred (600), etc.
*Note/Nota: en español decimos docientoS, y lo ponemos en plural, en inglés no, aunque sean seiscientos, setencientos, seguirá el singular: six hundred, seven hundred, nine hundred, etc.
Nunca añadas el plural a los cientos: six hundreds , seven hundreds
one thousand (1000) - two thousand (2000) - etc.
one hundred thousand (100.000) - two hundred thousand (200.000)
one million 1.000.000 - two million (2.000.000)
Cómo formar los años en inglés:
2000 = two thousand (tal cual)
Del 2000 en adelante (los separamos en dos):
20|22 = twenty | twenty two
The first word is the country - the second one the language or nationality:
England - English (British)
France - French
Germany - German (attention, the first one is the country, the second one the language or person)
Italy - Italian
Ireland /airland/ - Irish /airish/
Portugal - Portuguese /portugis/
Spain - Spanish
The World:
United States - American
(North/South America - North/South American)
Russia /rassia/ - Russian /rassian/
India - Indian
Africa - African
Australia /austrelia/ - Australian /austrelian/
China /xaina/ - Chinese /xianis/
Japan - Japanese /japanis/
Greece /gris/ - Greek /grik/
Netherlands /nederland/ - Dutch /datch/ - (Holland - Hollander)
Austria /ostria/ - Austrian /ostrian/
Belgium - Belgian
Czech Republic - Czech
Denmark - Danish /denish/ - a Dane /a dein/
Poland - Polish - a Pole
Sweden /swiden/ - Swedish /swidish/ - a Swede /swid/
Norway /norguei/ - Norwegian /norigian/
Switzerland - Swiss
Ukraine /iukrain/ - Ukranian /iukrenian/
United Kingdom - British
Israel - Israeli
Finland - Finnish
Croatia - Croatian
Romania - Romanian
Mexico - Mexican
Colombia - Colombian
Venezuela - Venezuelan
Peru - Peruvian /peruvian/
Cuba /kiuba/ - Cuban /kiuban/
Argentina - Argentinian
Brazil - Brazilian
Ecuador - Ecuadorian
Chile - Chilean
Bolivia - Bolivian
Dominican Republic - Dominican
Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican